Maximising Work Van Storage, Van Storage Solutions, Filstorage

Maximising Work Van Storage

In the UK, tradespeople make up 2500 per million of the general UK population, you can imagine how many trade vans are driving around your local area. 

If you work in the trade, there has more than likely been a time when you’ve looked in the back of your van and said to yourself ‘I’ve got to organise this better’, well you aren’t alone. As a tradesperson, your van is quite literally everything you need to work - a mobile office, tool room and a parts supply room, not to mention the times you’ve used your van as a lunchroom.

Most tradespeople will agree that organising your work van is easier said than done, here at Filstorage, we’ve been working tirelessly to make maximising work van storage as easy as possible, allowing you to make the absolute most of your van and ultimately make your job easier. As storage experts, here are our top ways you can maximise your van storage efficiently and cost-effectively.


Understanding Your Storage Needs

The first step to making the most out of your van storage is understanding what you have, what you need, and what is required. The first consideration is the regular work you're doing day-to-day, this can impact the layout of your storage solutions. For example, typically, you’ll have paperwork and your laptop/tablet in the front of the van next to you. You’ll then consider which tools and equipment you’re using the most, you’ll likely want these to be the most easily accessible.

Once you’ve considered the essentials of your job, we recommend taking a general inventory check to get an idea of what storage solutions are necessary. If you’re carrying smaller fastenings of different sizes, tilt bins are incredibly useful as they have their own compartment and organisers. Alternatively, you may need to factor in some space to store a set of ladders or a folding work platform. Taking an inventory check may also make you consider secure van storage if you’re carrying valuable equipment, allowing you to lock compartments and vaults. 


Cutting the Clutter

Work vans are a place where clutter can easily build up, in some ways, it’s inevitable, especially with smaller bits and bobs coming from different jobs here and there. Not only does this take up storage space, but it also makes your van space a messy and potentially hazardous place to work, it can also make your business appear unprofessional - clearing clutter is essential. 

To help clear clutter, we’d suggest:

  • Labelling storage containers
  • Putting spare items and parts in their own storage bins
  • Keep on top of rubbish and unwanted items.


Sorting Items Effectively

It may sound pretty straight forward but more often than not, we see tradespeople ineffectively storing their materials and tools in the back of their van because they’re rushing or simply don’t have an effective storage solution in place - they usually just place their items in the back of their van and hope for the best. 

Because van storage is so limited, having an effective storage strategy in place is essential in making the most of limited space. With vans, vertical storage is typically the go-to strategy. Vertical van storage allows you to utilise the van walls whilst having the centre of the floor to be able to move around. Here at Filstorage, our vertical storage solutions range from:

  • Tilt bin kits
  • Racking and shelving systems 
  • Steel wall hooks 
  • Wall tool hanger rails


Van Storage at Filstorage

Fitting your work van with an effective storage solution is a great way to save you time and money whilst portraying a professional environment to your customers. By investing in a reliable solution, you’re investing in the growth of your business. Here at Filstorage, we have a large team of storage experts with years of experience when it comes to industrial and commercial storage - including van storage. Take a look on our website or get in touch with our team to transform your work van storage.